
PPARCセミナー 2023/4/16
タイトル:Numerical radar simulation for the explorations of the ionosphere at Jupiter’s icy moons “木星氷衛星探査に向けたパッシブレーダーの数値シミュレーショ
その結果、ガリレオ・ガニメデ01のフライバイ時のガニメデの電離層の最大電子密度は、閉磁力線・低緯度領域で約25〜100cm-3、開磁力線・高緯度領域で100〜250cm-3であることがわかった。この2つの領域の違いは、Liuzzoら(2020)やPoppeら(2018)が推定されているような、ガニメデへの不均一な荷電粒子流入の様子を反映していると考えられる。カリストの場合、Galileo Callisto 09と30のフライバイ時において、昼側で約2,100cm-3、夜側で25 – 700cm-3であることが明らかとなった。昼側と夜側の差は、Vorburgerら(2015)が示唆した昇華の影響を反映していると考えられる。このように、本手法によって得られた新たな観測結果を加えることで、ガニメデとカリストの電離層の生成過程の違いを明らかにした。
タイトル:Relationship between transient brightening of Io plasma torus and Jupiter’s auroral radio emission
アブスト:In the continuous monitoring for the UV emissions of Io plasma torus (IPT) around Jupiter’s opposition in 2015, the HISAKI space telescope satellite caught interesting sudden emission enhancement started in the middle of Jan. and lasted for more than two months. This phenomenon has given important clues to investigate its variation morphology and control parameters of magnetosphere’s variations (ex. Yoshikawa+, 2016; Yoshioka+, 2018). We also analyzed variation characteristics of Jupiter’s auroral radio emissions in the hectometer wave length (HOM) for the period and found that HOM activity increased after the Iogenic plasma enhancement with some intermittent (quasi-periodic like) nature.
Recently, Furukawa-san found transient & localized IPT brightening phenomena and investigated origin of the phenomena by analyzing relationship between the phenomena and Jupiter’s radio wave data using the JUNO/WAV data (Furukawa+, in prep.). He confirmed positive correlation between the occurrences of them for two events among 26 IPT events occurred in 2014-2017, but the origin of remaining events is not confirmed due to the pre-observation period of JUNO for Jupiter. For compensating the lack of information, we have tried to analyze the other radio wave data measured by WIND/WAVES in HOM. In this seminar, we will introduce preliminary results of this trial with brief introduction of known nature of HOM.