
Akira Kazama
Development of Martian atmosphere retrieval tool using OMEGA/MEx; Dust optical depth and Surface pressure
Development of Martian atmosphere retrieval tool using OMEGA/MEx; Dust optical depth and Surface pressure
The Martian atmosphere is very thin and dry. And main components is about 95% or more CO2. The CO2 atmosphere contains a lot of dust.
The dust is a important role for Martian meteorology. On Mars, dust heat the atmosphere and cause various meteorological phenomena. Dust storm are the most famous phenomena of all, and It cause on a variety of scale, from global to, local. To evaluate these meteorological phenomena, it is important to know the atmosphere amount.
On Mars, there is seasonal variation in surface pressure of about 25% due to seasonal condensation and sublimation of CO2 to the polar caps.
The factor that causes the daily variation is the thermal tide. Thermal tidal produce pressure fluctuations of 5% in a day. It may affect other meteorological phenomena due to it can make significant changes in a day.
Our goal is understanding the mechanism of Martian meteorology.
To achieve this goal, we aim to assess quantitative thermal tides. If a retrieval accuracy of less than 5% can be achieved, we may can detect thermal tides focusing on the equatorial region. In order to achieve this derivation accuracy, we need to retrieve dust opacity.
This work have two topics: first one is Development of a tool for surface pressure fast retrievals. And another one is Development of a tool for dust optical depth retrievals at 2.77 μm. I will talk about our work progress in this seminar.
The dust is a important role for Martian meteorology. On Mars, dust heat the atmosphere and cause various meteorological phenomena. Dust storm are the most famous phenomena of all, and It cause on a variety of scale, from global to, local. To evaluate these meteorological phenomena, it is important to know the atmosphere amount.
On Mars, there is seasonal variation in surface pressure of about 25% due to seasonal condensation and sublimation of CO2 to the polar caps.
The factor that causes the daily variation is the thermal tide. Thermal tidal produce pressure fluctuations of 5% in a day. It may affect other meteorological phenomena due to it can make significant changes in a day.
Our goal is understanding the mechanism of Martian meteorology.
To achieve this goal, we aim to assess quantitative thermal tides. If a retrieval accuracy of less than 5% can be achieved, we may can detect thermal tides focusing on the equatorial region. In order to achieve this derivation accuracy, we need to retrieve dust opacity.
This work have two topics: first one is Development of a tool for surface pressure fast retrievals. And another one is Development of a tool for dust optical depth retrievals at 2.77 μm. I will talk about our work progress in this seminar.
Yoji Kuwayama
IPRT/ AMTERASの高性能化に向けた広帯域フィードシステムの開発 II
PPARCで運用する飯舘惑星電波望遠鏡IPRTの広帯域での高 感度化に向けた、 フィードシステムの開発について進捗を報告する。
現行のIPRTの受信系は325MHz( & 650MHz:開発中) 中心の狭帯域高感度観測用に加えて、100-500MHz 帯を ターゲットとした広帯域太陽電波スペクトル観測システムを独立し て備えているが、後者では開口効率が 20% 以上の実用的な帯域幅は 200MHz に届かない。 今後の一層の展開が期待される低周波VLBIの観測推進や、 太陽電波バーストの出現特性把握に向けて、 高感度観測用と広帯域観測用フィードを統合した広帯域で高効率な 新たなフィードシステムの開発に着手した。
これまで、SKA-MID band-1 用フィードとしても検討報告がある自己補対形の 4アーム sinuous アンテナをモデルケースとして、電磁界解析ソフト FEKO を用いて設計検討を行ってきた。その結果、 角錐状のsinuousアンテナで開発を進めることとした。 今後はスケールモデルの製作に基づく特性評価と実用化への課題の 洗い出しを行っていく予定であり、アンテナに接続する伝送・ 増幅系の詳細な検討が必要になってくる。
現行のIPRTの受信系は325MHz( & 650MHz:開発中) 中心の狭帯域高感度観測用に加えて、100-500MHz 帯を ターゲットとした広帯域太陽電波スペクトル観測システムを独立し
これまで、SKA-MID band-1 用フィードとしても検討報告がある自己補対形の 4アーム sinuous アンテナをモデルケースとして、電磁界解析ソフト FEKO を用いて設計検討を行ってきた。その結果、