MOP22にてポスター発表を行いました – Poster Sessions at MOP22 (2022/7/11-15)

現地時間2022年7月11日から15日まで、ベルギー・リエージュにてMOP (Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets) Meeting 2022 (MOP22)が開催され、本センター学生(古川研斗、安田陸人、佐藤晋之祐)と三澤先生、土屋先生の5名が参加しポスター発表を行いました。学生3名にとっては、海外学会に初めて現地参加する機会となりました。この記事ではMOP22の様子と、学生3名それぞれが感じた学会のレポートをまとめます (文責: 佐藤晋之祐)
Three of the students at PPARC, Kento Furukawa, Rikuto Yasuda, and Shinnosuke Satoh attended the MOP (Magnetospheres of Outer Planets) Meeting 2022 (MOP22) in Liège, Belgium, from July 11 to 15, along with Dr. Misawa, and Dr. Tsuchiya. MOP22 was the first on-site international meeting for the three students. This article reports the week of MOP22. (By Shinnosuke Satoh)
MOPはその名(Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets)の通り、外惑星(主に木星系や土星系)の磁気圏をメインのサイエンステーマとした学会です。MOP22には世界中から120名ほどの研究者が集まりました。MOP22はリエージュ大学の講堂にて5日間の日程で行われました。リエージュ大学の講堂は、芸術作品のようにデザインされたもので、学会会場とは思えないような美しい空間でした(写真)。コーヒーブレイクには、名物・リエージュワッフルが配られるなど、おもてなし溢れる学会でした。
MOP is the group of scientists working mainly towards understanding magnetospheres of the outer planes (such as the jovian and the saturnian system). Nearly 110 experts from around the world attended MOP this year. The meeting was held at a hall in Université de Liège for five days. The hall is carefully designed as beautifully as the noble art and nothing like a meeting site. MOP22 was filled with hospitality of the organizers as they surprised all of us with famous tasty Liège waffles at coffee breaks.

Here are the reports from the three students from PPARC.
Poster title: Localized hot electron inflow on the dusk side during transient brightening in Io plasma torus observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
I was nervous because it was the first time for me to make a presentation at a conference overseas. However, I was able to receive many advices through discussions with many famous researchers, which was a very valuable experience for me. I would like to reflect on the advices and devote myself to improving my research for the remaining six months.
Poster title: Numerical radar simulation for the explorations of the ionosphere at Jupiter’s icy moons
I attended MOP22 as my first worldwide science meeting and had a poster presentation. In the meeting, many researchers gave me positive comments about my research, so I got proud of my work. And I got an opportunity to visit the Paris observatory through a meeting with researchers in the observatory. I will improve my language skills and attend a lot of worldwide science meetings.
Poster title: A Test Particle Simulation for the Jovian Magnetospheric Electrons Precipitating into Europa’s Oxygen Atmosphere
MOP22 was my first on-site worldwide science meeting. It was quite an experience for me that I shared my work with many scientists and talked about the results with them at the poster session. They gave me much advice that could take my work even further. I also spoke to as many attendees as possible during coffee breaks so that I have a network in the community. I’m looking forward to MOP24 in Minneapolis already!

MOP22ポスターセッションにて。(A) ライトニングトークを行う晋之祐 / 自身のポスター前で記念撮影… (B) 古川さん (C) 安田さん (D) 晋之祐
After the meeting, we embraced the joy of tasty Belgian food and beer.