SGEPSS 2024年秋季年会(2024/11/24-27)

先日地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 2024年秋季年会が立川の国立極地研究所で開催されました。
佐藤(D1)” A Multi-Fluid MHD Simulation for Europaʼs Ionosphere “
大畑(M2)” Test observations of natural lights by the mid-IR heterodyne spectrometer with the fiber coupler “
桑山(M2)” Development of a wideband feed system for the solar and planetary radio telescope in Tohoku Univ.”
鈴木(M2)” Variations in the ozone concentration in the mesosphere at Syowa station associated with EPP”
能勢(M1)” Influence of the solar wind on the hydrogen airglow in the Venusian upper atmosphere by Hisaki “
松下(M1)” Plasma parameters at Europaʼs orbit estimated from the Hisaki observation “