


Name Awards
Akira Kazama
(風間 暁)[D]
Japan Geoscience Union 2024 (May 2024)
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 – Student Presentation Award
Chizuru Nose
(能勢 千鶴) [M] 
Japan Geoscience Union 2024 (May 2024)
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 – Student Presentation Award




Name Awards
Fujika Yoshino
(吉野 富士香) [M] 

154th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Sep 2023)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-2-2: Planets and Small Bodies)

“An adaptive optics system of Tohoku 60cm telescope at Haleakala observatory for daytime monitoring of Mercury’s sodium exosphere” ((R009-P13))

Shotaro Sakai
(堺 正太朗)[Assist. Prof]
SGEPSS Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award (Sep. 2023)
Award List
“Studies on the roles of planetary intrinsic magnetic fields and solar wind magnetic fields in atmospheric escape from planet”
Satoshi Kurita
(栗田 怜)[OB, Assoc. Prof of Kyoto Univ.]
SGEPSS Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award (Sep. 2023)
Award List
“Studies of interaction between chorus waves and energetic electrons in the Earth’s magnetosphere using satellite and groundbased observations”
Rikuto Yasuda
(安田 陸人)[D]
Japan Geoscience Union 2023 (May 2023)
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023 – Student Presentation Award




Name Awards
Satoshi Kurita
(栗田 怜)[OB, Assoc. Prof of Kyoto Univ.]
泉萩会(東北大学理学部物理系同窓会) (2022)
Shinnosuke Satoh
(佐藤 晋之祐) [M] 

152th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2022)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-2)

“A Test Particle Simulation of Jovian Magnetospheric Electrons Precipitating into Europa’s Oxygen Atmosphere” (R009-P19)

Kento Furukawa
(古川 研⽃) [M] 

152th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2022)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-3)

“ひさき衛星極端紫外線観測データを⽤いた⽊星イオプラズマトーラス突発増光時における Dusk 側からの Hot electron 流⼊” (R006-27)




Name Awards
Takanori Nishiyama
(西山 尚典)[OB, Assist. Prof of NIPR]
泉萩会(東北大学理学部物理系同窓会) (2021)
Takanori Nishiyama
(西山 尚典)[OB, Assist. Prof of NIPR]
SGEPSS Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award (Nov. 2021)
Award List
“Satellite and ground-based observations of MagnetosphereIonosphere-Mesosphere coupling”
Asuka Hirai
(平井 あすか)[D]
Japan Geoscience Union 2021 (May 2021)
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 – Student Presentation Award
“Properties of EMIC waves observed by Van Allen Probes and ground-based magnetometers during relativistic electron precipitation”
Miki Kawamura
(川村 美季) [M] 

150th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2021)

SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal)

“Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II” (R005-04)

Mizuki Fukizawa
(吹澤 瑞貴) [D] 

150th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2021)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-2)

“オーロラコンピュータトモグラフィによる脈動オーロラの3次元構造と降下電子の再構成” (R005-003)

Rikuto Yasuda
(安田 陸人) [M] 

150th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2021)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-2)

“Numerical radar simulation for the explorations of the ionosphere at Jupiter’s icy moons” (R009-008)

Asuka Hirai
(平井 あすか) [M] 

150th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2021)

SGEPSS Student Good Presentation (Div-3)

“地上-衛星観測によるIPDPタイプEMIC波動の周波数上昇に関するイベント解析” (R006-030)

Mizuki Fukizawa
(吹澤 瑞貴) [D] 

AGU FALL MEETING 2021 (Dec 2021)


Reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure and precipitating electrons of pulsating auroras by Aurora Computed Tomography (SPA-Aeronomy)

吹澤 瑞貴 (D3) 2021 東北大学総長賞 (地球物理学専攻)  
佐藤 晋之祐 (B4) 2021 東北大学総長賞 (宇宙地球物理学科)  




Name Awards
Kazumasa Iwai
(岩井 一正)[PPARC OB, Accoc. Prof of Nagoya Univ.]
SGEPSS Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award (Nov. 2022)
Award List
“Studies on solar atmosphere and heliosphere based on the development of leading-edge radio telescopes”
Kazumasa Iwai
(岩井 一正)[PPARC OB, Accoc. Prof of Nagoya Univ.]
泉萩会(東北大学理学部物理系同窓会) (2020)




Name Awards
Mizuki Fukizawa
(吹澤 瑞貴) [D]
Japan Geoscience Union 2019 (May 2019)
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 – Student Presentation Award
“Correlation between pulsating aurora and electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves obtained from coordinated Arase and ground data”
H. Watanabe [M], H. Kita (ISAS/JAXA), C. Tao (NICT), M. Kagitani T. Sakanoi Y. Kasaba (Tohoku Univ.) American Geophysical Union (Apr. 2019)
Earth & Space Science News / Research Spotlight
Jupiter’s Northern Lights on Display in Otherworldly Movie for “Pulsation Characteristics of Jovian Infrared Northern Aurora Observed by the Subaru IRCS with Adaptive Optics” (Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, 11547-11554, 2018) [doi:10.1029/2018GL079411]
Ryoichi Koga
(古賀亮一) [D] 

146th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Oct 2019)

SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal)

“Detection of the volcanic component of Jupiter moon Io’s atmosphere by analyzing ALMA archive data”




Name Awards Title/Details
Asuka Hirai
(平井 あすか) [M]
15th AOGS Annual meeting (Jun 2018) AOGS Best Student Poster Award “Temporal and Spatial Correspondence of Pc1/EMIC Waves and Energetic Electron Precipitation with Ground-Based Observation on 27 March, 2017” (ST19-A010)
Mizuki Fukizawa
(吹澤 瑞貴) [M]
144th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2018) SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal) “Electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves as a candidate to cause pulsating auroras” (S001-09)
Haruna Watanabe
(渡辺 はるな) [M]
144th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2018) SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal) “すばる望遠鏡で観測された木星赤外オーロラの微細構造とその時間変動” (R009-P16)
Ryoichi Koga
(古賀亮一) [D] et al.
American Geophysical Union Earth & Space Science News / Research Spotlight: “The Oxygen Neutral Cloud Surrounding Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon”
for “Spatial Distribution of Io’s Neutral Oxygen Cloud Observed by Hisaki” (J. Geophys. Res. 123, 3764-3776) [
Tomiki Kimura
(木村 智樹)[PPARC OB, Accoc. Prof of Nagoya Univ.]
泉萩会(東北大学理学部物理系同窓会)奨励賞 (2018) “The Oxygen Neutral Cloud Surrounding Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon”


Name Awards Title/Details
遠藤 友 [M] 143th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2017) SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal) ” オーロラスペクトログラフによる上部電離圏N2+の共鳴散乱光観測” (R005-P04)
金田和鷹 [D] 143th SGEPSS Fall meeting (Nov 2018) SGEPSS Student Presentation Award (Aurora Medal) “伝搬性ファストソーセージモード波動により変調された太陽電波ゼブラパターンの観測” (R007-P02)


Name Awards Title/Details
北 元 (PD) Earth & Space Science News / Research Spotlight — American Geophysical Union 「Jupiter’s Auroras Recharge Between Solar Storms」
Perwitasari, Septi (D3) 2016年日本地球惑星科学連合 学生優秀発表賞 「3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI」
宍戸美日(M2) 学生優秀発表賞 2016年日本地球惑星科学連合 (OSPA) 「ひさき衛星極端紫外光観測と地上可視光観測による木星衛星イオの硫黄イオントーラスの時空間変動」


Name Awards Title/Details
北 元 (D3) 2015年東北大学総長賞  
Perwitasari, Septi (D2) 2015年日本地球惑星科学連合 学生優秀発表賞 (OSPA) 「Statistical Study of Concentric Gravity Wave in the Mesopause by using the IMAP/VISI Data」
小野紘夢 (B4) 2015年東北大学学友会長賞  


Name Awards Title/Details
北 元(D2) 2013年地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会
「太陽紫外線による熱圏大気加熱が木星放射線帯に及ぼす影響 ―電波・赤外望遠鏡観測にもとづく考察―」


Name Awards Title/Details
岩井一正(D3) 2011年地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会