Research Fields and Projects : Y Kasaba (Tohoku Univ.) Top page
Research Fields : Radio and Infrared Sciences in the Solar System
  • Science: plasma and Atmospheres surrounding Earth and planets
    * Radio, plasma waves, and electric field Studies for terrestrial and planetary plasmas
    * Infrared studies for planetary plasmas and atmospheres
    * Numerical modelling and analyses related to both
  • Instrumentation and Engineering
    * Instrumentation of Radio / Plasma waves and Electric fields for Space Plasma Studies
    * Instrumentation of Infraed Imaging and Spectroscopy for Planetary Studies
    * Instrumentation of Information Systems for Spacecraft Systems
Space Missions: Launched
  • JUICE: JUpiter ICy moons Explorer [ISAS official / ESA official], ESA Jovian mission (Launch: Apr 2023)
    * Radio Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) [Co-PI of Japanese science team (PI - J.-E.Wahlund (IRF-Uppsala, Sweden)]
  • BepiColombo [ISAS official / ESA official], ESA/JAXA joint mission to Mercury (Launch: Oct 2018)
    * Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) [PI]
    * Mission Data Processor (MDP) [Chief]
  • Arase (ERG) [ISAS official], Small-sized science satellite for Radiation belt studies (2016-)
    * Plasma Wave Team [Co-PI]
  • Hisaki [ISAS official], Planetary EUV telescope [Small-sized Science Satellite - 1] (2013-)
    * Electrical Team [Chief : Design, Development of MDP and Power System, Data analyses ...]
  • Akatsuki (Planet-C) [ISAS official], * Infrared Camera 2 (IR2) [Co-I : Design, Data analyses, Operation support]
  • ---
  • [Geotail for terrestrial magnetosphere (1992-2022)]
    * Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) [Co-I : Data analyses, Operation support]
  • [Reimei (INDEX), Small-sized satellite for auroral studies (2005-)]
    * Integrated Central Unit (ICU) [Co-I : Overall activities]
  • [Akebono (EXOS-D)] for auroral studies (1989-2015)]
    * Plasma waves [Co-I: Data analyses and operation support]
  • [Nozomi (Planet-B)], Mars orbiter (1998-2003)]
    * Plasma Wave Analyzer (PWA) [Co-I : Overall development, Data analyses, Operations]
Space Missions: Developing
  • MMX: Martian Moons eXploration Martian observations and Phobos sample return (Launch: 2024)
    * MIRS: Infrared mapping spectrometer [developed by IAS(France), supported by us]
Space Missions: Planning
  • Tohoku University Haleakala Telescopes(
    *** in Haleakala High Altitude Observatory, Univ. Hawaii ***
    * 40cm Schmidt telescope (T40)
    * 60cm Visible Infrared telescope (T60)
    * 1.8m Planet and Exoplanet telescope - PLANETS ((( in UH:Univ. Hawaii)))
  • High-Resolution Spectrometer, MIR-Heterodyne, NIR-Echele by Tohoku Univ (2007-)